Ghana our beloved country is faced
with a lot of challenges, but among all poor sanitation has exposed this
country. The leadership of past governments, current and all Ghanaian has
failed this country. It looks as if the institutions and the people who are put
in place to solve these problems are either not serious or not capable.
For many years, we have failed as a
country to deal with the increasing rate of poor sanitation which started some
years ago, decisively, due to the explosion in urban population and migration
and the advent of sachet water and other polythene wrappers. The whole of the
country is faced with the mess of poor sanitation problems which is on the
increase. This has given rise to all kinds of sicknesses and diseases from
babies to the old age is spared with such sicknesses and diseases. The
situation is very embarrassing and indeed worrying. It is a headache to all
well meaning Ghanaian citizens the way we going about solving our sanitation
problems. Take a stroll around the towns, cities, villages, etc and you will
feel so ashamed, depressed and regret of being a Ghanaian due to the scenes of
horrific insanitary conditions all over.
What should we do as a nation to
address these ugly scenes which is created by we ourselves?, But this is a nice
question every rational or rightful thinking Ghanaian will ask. Addressing the
problem is not a major factor, even though we are not able to address it. It is
rather to find the causes of the problem, by knowing the causes of the problem
of poor sanitation, I think ninety-nine percent of the problem is solved. The
problems are many, but to mention a few,
the departments, organizations, assemblies etc are not functioning
There are no centralized places of disposing our refuse properly
through out the country, the few places created are not taken care for it
disposal, we the individual also play a part of poor sanitation since we litter
everywhere with waste. Addressing of the problem, obviously is not the sole
responsibility of a single individual, the assemblies, organizations, or the
departments, been it government or private, it must be the responsibility of
all of us as citizens because, it is we who create this menace ourselves. It is
a fact that as a county we have taken things for granted due to bribery and
corruption and politicizing everything been it good or bad, and this is killing
us slowly, and if care is not taken we will finally die. Often people get into authority just for the glorification of
it and not to bring on board what to do and what not to do to transform life
and society, some even go to the extent of not lobbying and fighting for
appointments they know they are not qualified to handle, to do a better job. We
are all sick in this country. For instance when there is outbreaks of cholera,
Tuberculosis, guinea worm etc, disasters like fire outbreaks, floods,
earthquakes etc we condemn it and make a whole noise for days weeks etc and we
forget and then go back to the life style and attitude in which we were, which
is causing the problems. We create waste and dispose them as if someone else
will have to deal with that. There is hardly or not at all any sense of civic
responsibility in what we have been doing. We deforest the forest anyhow
without planting tress to replace, burn
rubbish and anything around us any how. We defecate on our beaches, river
sides, pollute and choke our gutters, pollute our water bodies and litter our
surroundings as if there are no laws.
Residential areas are now turning into
churches making the most noise, disturbing the neighborhood. We still
build open gutters that are hardly
maintained and turn them into rubbish sites. What is going on? , what is wrong
with us? It is a fact that we have a lot of infrastructure problems facing the
country, but one can still clean it environment and sanitation can make a huge
difference. So as Ghanaians we must change our attitudes and behaviors we must
be concerned and willing to do anything possible to overcome this problem. In
my opinion, whatever we are doing in this country in the name of improving the
standard of living, education etc shall come to nothing when we cannot find
solutions to basic challenges as poor sanitation. Not until we have discovered
the antidote to the poor sanitation, we will continue to battle poor health and
spend huge resources on fighting sanitation and its related diseases that can be
The korle-lagoon and other water
bodies in the middle of our capitals and towns use to be fishing places where
fishermen fish, eat, sell and take care of their families, these water bodies
provide jobs for people, but what do we see today? In other parts of the world
lagoons of such nature provides a beautiful sites for visitors and serves as
tourist site which makes those countries earn foreign currencies. The
korle-lagoon and other water bodies has been reduced to such an ugly and horrible scene due to pollution. The site of
which makes you feel like vomiting or committing suicide. This is our own
making, yet we praise ourselves and say Ghana is the gate way to Africa. The
second major issue is about our laws and the law enforcement agencies. I have
no doubt that the law enforcement agencies are not short of laws necessary to
keep us on our toes. The problem is that most of the laws are not
enforced. It looks as if the
institutions that are suppose to work to enforce the laws are ‘on holidays’ and
that is why we are seeing all these things.
We all have to be law abiding,
everybody must work hard at where ever he or she works or finds himself or
herself. We have to be responsible to change our attitudes and behaviors and
the way we think. The institutions must work effectively, that is the only way
we can realize our dream of being like America, Europe, Asia etc we have to
educate ourselves and love Mother Ghana.